(Photo: View North en route)




This page was last updated on 18th August, 2024

Before heading into the mountains check up-to-date trail info, & register your trek intentions with the National Park office in Bariloche, Pampa Linda or online.

Pampa Linda to Colonia Suiza Trek Pampa Linda Colonia Suiza

The best long distance trek in the National Park - only to be undertaken by experiences trekkers. This is the hardest route in the National Park must only be undertaken by experienced trekkers with map reading and route finding skills as the trail is not well marked in places. This route does not usually open until about January each year due to the amount of snow on the trail; enquire at the National Park Office

Duration: 4+ Days
Distance: 50 km's one way
Ascent: 2400m
Start: Pampa Linda
Finish: Colonia Suiza
Difficulty: Hard
Access: Private Bus
Park Entrance $: Check prices on: National Park Website
Notes: My favourite multi day trek in the National Park

The Route

It is advised to walk the route in the direction from Pampa Linda to Colonia Suiza.

Start: Pampa Linda, but you could also walk the Paso de Nubes Trek to Puerto Frias and take the boat back (AR$600 Nov 2015) extra 2 days. Or add on an overnight at Otto Meiling Refugio

This route has many finishing options, but the shortest route would be to start from Colonia Suiza. Other options would be to incorporate Cerro Catedral, Cerro Lopez or Refugio Jakob etc...

Variations: An alternative starting point is detailed in this blog

More coming soon...


This is the only trail in the park where wild camping is permitted


Bariloche - Pampa Linda: There are tourist services daily during the summer months, in the morning (about 8.30am - confirm before travel), returning in the evening (5pm - confirm before travel). Ask opposite Club Andino at Transitando lo Natural for prices and timetable also Travel Light offer services. Buy your tickets in advance, especially in the high season. Enquire for departures out of season which may as there may no be any unless there is enough demand. NO ticket office in Pampa Linda but you may be able to buy tickets on the bus in Pampa Linda subject to space - enquire in Bariloche before heading out. Enquire at the Otto Meiling and Paso de la Nubes Refuges as they may also offer bus ticket sales.

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Map for Pampa Linda to Colonia Suiza

Pampa Linda to Colonia Suiza Trek Pampa Linda Colonia Suiza

The information contained on this website is no substitute for a qualified Mountain Guide and the site author accepts no responsibility for inaccurate or outdated information (nor omission of information), nor any accident or injury sustained while carrying out the treks described here. This website has no affiliation to any of the refuges, businesses or organisations named withing it. All times and distances are approximate.